Scott Bradley's

America at the Crossroads

In 1787, The United States of America stood at a crossroads.  Although victorious at war, the nation languished in crisis.  Inflation was rampant, economic development was stifled, public debt was at an all-time high, and growing.  The threat of enemy action within the nation’s borders loomed.  Political motivation clouded the judgment of the nation’s leadership—many of the nation’s foremost leaders jockeyed for prominence and power.  The nation’s leaders were bogged down and ineffective.  Debates raged which seemed to perpetually elude solution.  Ineffective is the mildest term that could be applied to the tone set by Congress.  Foreign powers examined every action the nation took, scheming to take advantage of every perceived weakness and flaw.  The citizens of the nation were deeply divided on many critical issues.  The nation was polarized by divisive opinions which split the nation’s personality into almost innumerable fragments.  The future of the nation looked dire, indeed!

In that day, The United States of America was a nation united in name only.  A miracle was needed to prevent its dissolution.  That miracle came in the form of the new national charter—The United States Constitution, which was signed and delivered to the nation on September 17th, 1787.

It is uncanny how the conditions just noted parallel the nation’s current circumstances.  The nation again stands at a crossroads.  Although claiming victory at war, the nation languishes in crisis.  Inflation is rampant, economic development is stifled, public debt is at an all-time high, and growing.  The threat of enemy action within the nation’s borders looms.  Political motivation clouds the judgment of the nation’s leadership—many of the nation’s foremost leaders jockey for prominence and power.  The nation’s leaders are bogged down and ineffective.  Debates rage which seem to perpetually elude solution.  Ineffective is the mildest term that can be applied to the tone set by Congress.  Foreign powers examine every action the nation takes, scheming to take advantage of every perceived weakness and flaw.  The citizens of the nation are deeply divided on many critical issues.  The nation is polarized by divisive opinions which split the nation’s personality into almost innumerable fragments.  In so many ways the future of the nation looks dire, indeed!  In fact, an honest comparison between the conditions which existed in 1787 and today’s conditions testify that the risks inherent in today’s conditions vastly exceed those of the earlier day.

In addition to the aforementioned challenges, we face the morally repugnant burdens of rampant officially sanctioned abortion, a cancerous proliferation of pornography, addictive behaviors of all sort and substance, a broad acceptance of base and increasingly crude entertainment (so called), a growing perverse conception that America is “officially” a godless society which looks to the wisdom of man’s philosophies, and government programs, for salvation instead of the God who founded this great land.  A host of other onerous circumstances and conditions could be noted, but surely these must suffice for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear!

It is interesting to note that John Adams, the nation’s first Vice President, and second President observed that “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

And it gives one pause to consider that during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, George Mason stated: “As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this.  By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”  We must pray that we, as a Nation, have not passed the point of no return, and we now face only the imminent justice of an offended God!

We are now all caught up in the hoopla of the election year, with glorious and grand promises being bandied about like so much confetti.  Some cry “lo, here, and others cry lo, there,” in their quest to become, or remain, your political leader.

As election day draws near, it is astounding to observe the tactics of those who seek our votes!  “Change” seems to have become the watchword of the major candidates.  Change means something different to everyone who hears it.  Those who utter this platitude apparently hope that each who hears the word will internalize it and interpret it as the change they desire, and thereby throw their support and vote to the change-agent that best reflects their agenda.  Thirty second sound bites that tickle our ears and tweak our emotions are cleverly crafted by political machines that have tested the shifting winds of popular sentiment and special interest groups, hoping to sail on to victory at the expense of sound principle.  How foolish, how absurd!  Foundational principle is rarely, if ever, considered.  Consequently, all that is worthy and great in America is unraveling.

The Founding Fathers of the United States considered the United States Constitution to be a written binding contract between the people of the nation and those who we select to hold positions of responsibility within our government.  The founders considered the “binding” concept to be so essential that within that great foundational document, that charter of liberty, they require every office-holder to take an oath to uphold that contract as written.  Article II in the Constitution requires the president to take a specific oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  Article VI requires all other officers in the nation to take an oath “to support this Constitution.”  Today, virtually all those seeking high office have a publicly available voting record.  Sadly, a close examination of their record of how they cast their sacred vote when they were in a position of authority reveals their disdain for their oath.  We are foolish to expect their current sweet talk, which is calculated to lead to victory this election, to miraculously translate into future sound constitutional behavior!  We deceive ourselves if we harbor such sentiments!

The words in the Constitution are written in plain English.  Words have meaning, and those meanings may be known.  We, the people, have a responsibility to know the words well enough to know when our elected representatives violate them, and hold those officials accountable, including removing them from office for perjury when they violate their oath.

The United States Constitution created a national government whose powers are few and defined.  The document enumerates the specific powers delegated to the national government, and specifically notes that all other power is retained by the states, or the people.  Constitutional protocol, which was clearly understood by the Founding Fathers, prohibits any re-delegation of power granted to a specific body (legislative, executive, or judicial), or the usurpation of authority or power not granted by the Constitution.  Their positions are well documented for those who will honestly seek them out.

Contrary to what is currently practiced in violation of constitutional protocol, only the legislature may create law (not the executive or judiciary).  Only congress may exercise powers granted in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution.  None of these listed powers may be re-delegated by congress to other bodies (foreign or domestic).  The legislative, for example, may not constitutionally re-delegate the power to regulate our foreign commerce to the president, or to any international body.  Congress may not transfer their war-making powers to the president, or to any international body.  Congress may not delegate to the president or any international body the power to create courts inferior to the supreme court.  Congress must decide how to deal with prisoners captured in conflict, not the executive.  These powers are delegated to congress, and they are theirs and theirs alone to exercise.  No amount of sophistry or “political-speak” can justify the blatant disregard congress has exhibited in these and countless other matters.  The charge of dereliction of duty must be laid at their feet because they lack the courage to fulfill their constitutionally mandated duty.

And what is astounding is the fact that while failing to fulfill their constitutionally-delegated charge, the national government seeks constantly to encroach into areas not delegated to that level of government.  Contrary to popular belief and practice, the redistributing the wealth of Americans to foreign powers, to corporate moguls, to the various states, to special interest groups, or even to individuals is not a power granted to our government.  The phrase, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is not found in the United States Constitution, but, rather, in the writings of Karl Marx!  Were there time, countless other examples of usurped power could be enumerated.  Oh, how far we have strayed from the sound principles of Americanism which made this nation the freest, happiest, most prosperous, and most respected nation on earth!

Liberty and proper government cannot prevail if the great charter of our nation is ignored and set aside by we, the people.  If those who represent us fail in their duty to abide their oath and keep their actions within the bounds established by the Constitution, we are in grave danger, indeed!

Rather than “change” (whatever that means) this nation desperately needs “restoration.”

Restoration to the foundation upon which it was originally built.  Restoration to a recognition that the powers of the national government are limited to the specific powers enumerated in the Constitution.  Restoration to the understanding that mankind’s rights come from God, and that government’s only purpose is to preserve those rights.  The Declaration of Independence succinctly captures that essence.  The Constitution is our charter of liberty under which our sacred, God-given rights are vouched safe.  Look to the Constitution.  Read it, ponder it, understand its plain English words, and compare it to the drivel promoted by political shills.  Reject the false philosophies that have been so powerfully promoted by pandering politicians for so many decades.  Vote wisely.  Vote for a restoration and the preservation of our liberty!  Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor are at stake.

Perhaps I may pause and comment upon a couple of issues that are of grave concern to me.

One issue is all the talk I hear lately from those who are frustrated by the political events of the day.  The word “REVOLUTION” is bantered about all too freely!  People who have lately awakened and, for the first time in their lives, considered the matters of government and what is being thrust upon us by false leaders (not realizing that this effort to usurp power and implement false un-Americanist government did not just begin with this administration, but has been going on for many generations) are acting and speaking as though it is time to take to the streets with our pitchforks and torches.   Most of these people have never contemplated what the ultimate results of the actions they clamor for would be.  In addition, they are largely ignorant of the strength and resilience of the Constitution which still exists.

The fact remains that we are still blessed with the United States Constitution, and all of its inherent protections. IF we will awaken and arouse ourselves to the sense of our awful situation, we still have the means to restore the blessings of liberty to this land because through the power of the ballot box we still have the privilege of selecting good, wise, and honest representatives who will honor their oath of office. We MUST remove the wicked representatives from office who (with extremely rare exception) currently violate their sacred oath of office!  And we still have the peaceful means to do this if the people will return their hearts to proper principle. This is still a republic. We can do this by exercising our vote. This may all be done by peaceful means. Our job is to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound. We have not yet exhausted the ordained process by which we may restore and preserve our blessings of liberty and proper government.

A careful examination of ALL modern revolutions (this is one of the subjects I review in my lecture series/book) will reveal that the evil ones who seek to subjugate mankind ALWAYS take advantage of disruptions and chaos (particularly violent disruptions) to implement their tyranny. We MUST be careful to take action which will not facilitate the ultimate destruction of the base-line principles and the Constitution.

Yes, revolutions are sometimes necessary, but a careful examination of the facts will reveal that the differences between 1776 and 2010 are many; among which is the fact that in 1776 the colonists did not have a form of government in which they could have representation, AND they had exhausted all of their options to resolve the processes through peaceful means.  We have the vote, and we still have our marvelous United States Constitution!  In 1776 they had neither.

The wrong way will lead to disaster and ruin. Our wives and children will mourn and go through greater challenges than any of this generation have even imagined. We must be wise, and not act as foolish children playing a computer war game wherein you hit the restart button and everything is restored and made well. Violent revolution is not a sanitized process.  It is extremely ugly and dirty with misery untold.  There is much at stake!!!!

I am so worried that those who foster violent revolution have never seen, or even imagined  the costs!  And they have no clue what is at risk. They seem to also have no idea of the strength they would have if they followed the proper principle and kept all things within the established bounds. Ready, fire, aim is not a valid sequence. IF the time comes for violent revolution, which I pray never happens, we need to be able to go before the Lord and plead for His assistance, knowing that we have done all in our power to do it His way.

Perhaps you remember the movie, “The Patriot,” with Mel Gibson. Yes, it is just a movie, but I mention it because part of it illustrates a point. Mel Gibson’s character had seen the ugliness of war, and what it does to men. He was not so anxious to jump into it because he knew some of the costs. Others who had romanticized war knew nothing of the brutal ugliness and cost to families. When the time came, and there were no longer any other options, he thrust himself into it without any reservations. The fight was on, and needed to be resolved. The huge costs were ultimately extracted, as he had foreseen, but the revolution was successful because the cause was just and people were willing to make the sacrifices necessary. In addition, honorable and noble men were at the helm. Who stands at our helm today? Has God raised up similar men today? Will He? I pray for such to be restored!

It may come to blood, but I don’t think the time has arrived. We have a responsibility to educate and inform this generation of Americans regarding the divinely established principles of proper government. I believe that we can raise up a generation who cherish these things and are willing to abide in them. It is a huge task (as you know)!  The organs of the media, the education system, and the halls of government (with extremely rare exception) promote the concepts of false government. There are still some avenues which are open for touching the Nation without being tainted by the establishment “spin.” We need to work in those venues, and God will open up more opportunities for us. With God’s help the truth will prevail. We know whose side we are on. The cause of liberty is truly God’s cause. We also know whose side the ones who would destroy the proper form of government we were bequeathed by God are on. Just because the enemy is numerous does not give them the victory. Miracles do happen. We need to pray for them.

Unfortunately, the nation has not yet gone through the preparatory process that colonial America went through to receive proper government.  Regarding the “revolution” of his day, Thomas Jefferson wrote the following:

“What do we mean by the Revolution?  The War?  That was no part of the Revolution.  It was only an effect, and consequence of it.  The revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen years, before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington.”  (Bergh, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 14, page 347)

While many Americans are being awakened to recognize we are a nation at great risk because of the false philosophies of government that for so long time have been so highly organized, so cleverly disguised, and so powerfully promoted, the nation’s ignorance of proper principle places it at risk of being deceived by false leaders who truly offer nothing more than the same repackaged false philosophies.  This condition is almost as dangerous as the revolutionary attitude we just discussed.

The minds of Americans must once again be prepared to understand the principles of liberty and proper government, but at this point, only oh so few have made the effort.  As in the last third of the 1700’s it will take time today for Americans to again have their hearts and minds prepared to live under proper government and liberty.  It will take effort on the part of everyday Americans, and leaders of the caliber of the American Founding Fathers must again be raised up.  I presume that it will take Divine intervention as it did in the founding era of the nation, because I don’t see these people within our current crop of leaders.  None seem to be worthy, and none seem to have paid the price to come to understand these critical truths.

Here’s how John Adams expressed his feelings about this matter.  Early in his professional life, John Adams Adams, John wrote to his wife explaining what he felt he must do to prepare himself for leadership in the “divine science” of politics. He wrote,


“The science of government is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take place of, indeed to exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”  (Quoted in Adrienne Koch, ed., The American Enlightenment [New York: George Braziller, 1965], 188)


Today, each must consider their duty in this matter.  Most Americans have ignored our responsibility in the science of government to the point that proper government, in practice, has become almost extinct in modern times.  It is a matter that bears careful consideration today!

In order to make appropriate decisions regarding government and governance, proper principle must be understood and applied.  Principle must begin to take precedence over party and popularity if nations, states, and communities are to begin again to enjoy the fruits of proper government!

Proper principle, and proper government, can be found within the scope and bounds defined within the United States Constitution!  It is sound and good!  We must use all of the influence we can rightfully bring to bear to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound.

And, unfortunately, many who claim to love the Constitution and desire to uphold it are bent on changing it through the amendment process.  To me this is a great inconsistency!  Why would you desire so fervently to change that which you profess to love?  There is danger in this approach, unless it was a desire to rescind other existing amendments which are destructive of the divinely inspired structure which was originally established by the founders.

Many efforts to amend the Constitution have been extremely unwise!  I would have to include in the scope of that statement many current efforts to amend the Constitution, including the efforts to obtain a balanced budget amendment, a congressional term limits amendment, a line item veto amendment, a flag burning amendment, etc.   Perhaps I may spend just a few minutes on a why these amendment-seeking efforts will ultimately lead a frustrated electorate to seek a disastrous constitutional convention, which would result in the loss of our Divinely inspired Constitution.

First, perhaps we may mention the so-called Balanced Budget Amendment.  In light of the historic record of profligate spending by our national government, one might be caused to ask: “Why did the Founding Fathers not prohibit the national government from engaging in deficit spending?”  The answer is simple.  They knew that unavoidable wars always create debt.  It is either that or loose the nation in the war.  They were, however, adamant that those debts be retired immediately to prevent us from, as Washington said in his monumental “Farewell Address,” “…ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves should bear.”

Every Balanced Budget Amendment I have examined is fatally flawed.  Each has an “escape” clause which allows any congress to ignore the requirement to balance the budget IF they vote for the unbalanced budget with some kind of “super majority.”   That would require 261 of 435 members of the House to vote for it, and 60 of the 100 Senators to vote for it.  I find it absolutely amazing that virtually all budgets passed during the last several congresses were passed by a super majority.  Why?  Because virtually all of the members of congress are guilty of placing “earmarks” in the budget for their home district back home.  Most of these earmarks, by-the-way, are in complete violation of the scope and limits placed upon the national government by the Constitution.  These earmarks help assure their re-election.  In a very real way they are buying their re-election out of the largess of the public treasury by redistributing the money taken by force of government from citizens outside their home district.  Of course, there is n o constitutional authority to redistribute taxpayer money to ANYONE—not foreign powers, not corporate moguls, not to the States or local governments, and certainly not to individuals.  NOBODY.

Of course, by now we should all be familiar with the accounting chicanery carried out by the national government by “off the books” accounting practices, committing future revenue streams, and by the euphemistic term: “accounting tools.”

I believe we may be certain that in the current political world the Balance Budget Amendment will not garner the constitutionally required 2/3 majority of both houses and ratification of 3/4 of all States to become an amendment.  Consequently, as the call for a Balanced Budget Amendment increases in popularity among the good and caring people, they will become frustrated with congress and call for a Constitution Convention as provide for in Article V of the Constitution.  If that happens, we will loose the entire Constitution as a new one will be brought forth.  In the current political environment, with the current lack of soundly-principled statesmen, and with the current state of ignorance among the electorate, we must NOT be led into the trap of a Con-Con!

Perhaps we should also briefly touch upon the Term Limits Amendment movement.  We already have term limits.  It is called the ballot box.  The truth of the matter is that in November 2010 we could remove ALL of our U.S. Congressmen, and 1/3 of our Senators.  Two years later we could do the same thing again and also cleanse the Executive department.  The problem is the electorate is so caught up in the “incumbent” mentality that every incumbent is virtually assured re-election.  It is a sad truism that we get the type of government we deserve.

The problem really is an apathetic and ignorant electorate that has embraced an “entitlement” mentality.  And what makes you think that if we term limited the office-holder that you would assure yourself of a better, more soundly-founded representative?  I assure you that in today’s political environment there is always another socialist waiting in the wings to step into any vacant office.

And why would we want to remove representatives that are operating within their oath of office?  The key is understanding of correct principles and holding our representatives to their oath of office to abide within the limits and constraints of the United States Constitution.

And, by-the-way, do you think that the American Founding Fathers had never heard of or considered term limits when they wrote the Constitution in 1787?  Did you know that the first United States Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, had term limits?  There is not enough time to fully explain why their experience had been unsatisfactory with term limits, but suffice it to say, they knew about term limits and purposefully left them out of the Constitution they wrote.

And, as I said in regards to the dangers associated with the effort to obtain a Balanced Budget Amendment, I believe we may be certain that in the current political world a Term Limits Amendment will not garner the constitutionally required  2/3 majority of both houses and ratification of 3/4 of all States to become an amendment.  Consequently, as the call for a Term Limits Amendment increases in popularity among the good and caring people, they will become frustrated with congress and call for a Constitution Convention as provide for in Article V of the Constitution.  Again I will state: if that happens, we will loose the entire Constitution as a new one will be brought forth.  In the current political environment, with the current lack of soundly-principled statesmen, and with the current state of ignorance among the electorate, we must NOT be led into the trap of a Con-Con!

I should also briefly touch upon the dangers of a Line Item Veto Amendment.  The United States Constitution assigns specific powers and responsibilities to the various branches or departments of the national government: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary.  Each has its role to play, and there are checks and balances to prevent any from becoming preeminent in the process of governance and power.

Ronald Reagan was famous for his demand that he be given a line item veto power.  Thankfully, it never happened!  If line item veto was granted to the executive, the executive’s power would grow and encroach into the legislative arena.

Time does not permit a detailed review of the dynamic play constitutionally mandated between the legislative and the executive, but you must review Article I, Section 7 of the US Constitution to see how the legislative and executive are to perform their duty and how they check and balance each other.

So-called “Signing Statements” that have become vogue in recent presidential administrations is a powerful example of how perverted this practice of effectively eliminating components passed by the house and senate has and would become.  President George W. Bush exercised this unconstitutional usurpation of power hundreds of times during his eight year term of office.  Presidents that do this (and I expect we have not seen the end of this constitutional violation) greatly endanger the delicate checks and balances that are an essential hallmark of our Constitutional Republic!

Think of an executive that could remove any good that was in legislation that came before him for his signature, and leave only the dross.  Can you see the unchecked power this would grant to a president?  It was wrong for Reagan, and it is wrong for any current or future president.

Remember in Tolkien’s epic novel of the corrupting influence of power, and the “One Ring to rule them all?”  Many sought the “Ring of Power” with the assurance they would only use it for good.  But even if they could be completely trusted at the moment, I assure you that the one who obtained the Ring, or his subsequent inheritors, would be overcome and ultimately begin to abuse the power.

So, I must say again as I said regarding both the Balanced Budget Amendment and the Term Limits Amendment:  I believe we may be certain that in the current political world the Line Item Veto Amendment will not garner the constitutionally required  2/3 majority of both houses and ratification of 3/4 of all States to become an amendment.  Consequently, as the call for a Line Item Veto Amendment increases in popularity among the good and caring people, they will become frustrated with congress and call for a Constitution Convention as provide for in Article V of the Constitution.  If that happens, we will loose the entire Constitution as a new one will be brought forth.  And again I will restate for emphasis: in the current political environment, with the current lack of soundly-principled statesmen, and with the current state of ignorance among the electorate, we must NOT be led into the trap of a Con-Con!

Many other flawed and unnecessary proposed amendments could be mentioned and discussed, such as the Flag Burning Amendment, the Anti-Abortion Amendment, and others, but the end result of all of these efforts is always the same.

Calls for them will not garner the constitutionally required  2/3 majority of both houses and ratification of 3/4 of all States to become an amendment.  Consequently, as the outcry for them increases in popularity among the good and caring people, they will become frustrated with congress and call for a Constitution Convention as provide for in Article V of the Constitution.  If that happens, we will loose the entire Constitution as a new one will be brought forth.  I will remind you again:  in the current political environment, with the current lack of soundly-principled statesmen, and with the current state of ignorance among the electorate, we must NOT be led into the trap of a Con-Con!

Besides, what are we going to say with many of these amendments?  Most of what is in the Constitution is unremittingly ignored in daily practice today anyway.  Are we going to create a “we really mean it this time” clause that will suddenly awaken unprincipled politicians to begin to abide by their oath of office to support the Constitution?

No!  An informed electorate must rise up and throw the wicked scoundrels from office who ignore the Constitution and replace them with soundly founded statesmen who will keep government within its proper bounds and preserve our liberty and God-given rights.

The implication that the Constitution is somehow flawed and must be changed disparages the Constitution.  The Constitution is not flawed.  We simply have stopped applying it and therefore the nation faces its many daunting challenges.

And creating the perception that the Constitution is flawed and must be changed (for whatever “good” excuse they come up with) will ultimately create a movement to hold an Article V constitution convention in which we will loose the Constitution (barring Divine intervention).  Our safety is in returning to the sound foundational principles upon which this nation was established.  Modern politicians with their “bright” ideas, however well intended, will only serve to further undermine our Divinely established origins of proper government, limited and constrained within its proper bounds.

We must catch the vision of the critical importance of the truths found within the structure of the United States Constitution, and this generation must instill in the succeeding generation an understanding and a love of the foundation principles upon which this nation and our properly established government are based.  If the nation is to remain free, each upcoming generation must come to know the bedrock principles upon which this nation was founded, in order that the nation might enjoy the blessings of liberty which we cherish.  Hopefully, each new generation will come to value liberty and seek diligently to preserve the principles upon which it is founded.  Each citizen of the nation must become the self-motivated leader of the next generation who will do the right things for the right reasons.

It is my hope that each of us who loves liberty will resolve that, from this day forward, we will hold dear the great principles upon which this nation was founded, and upon which it has been preserved.  A renewed dedication must sweep the nation to come to understand that any philosophy which ignores the Constitution and the frame-work it established, or allows the plain and pure meaning of its words to be twisted and modified by the whims of those who hold the reins of government debases the Constitution.  Such philosophies will ultimately remove the foundation of the nation, and the results will be the same inevitable result as though we have no constitution at all.

If the words of the Constitution may mean anything we (or the Supreme Court, or the President, or Congress, or a judge, or a police officer, or a bureaucrat, or anyone else) say they mean, or that the words mean nothing at all, then those who hold power hold limitless power, and tyranny will surely follow.  The written Constitution which the nation enjoys may be read and plainly understood by all who will take the time to study it.  Great strength, stability, and confidence may be derived by having that firm “bedrock” foundation upon which to build and maintain our proper government.  Those who are elected to hold office are constrained to act only within the constitutional scope of their office, and therefore they are precluded from going beyond the bounds which have been set within the Constitution.

If this understanding becomes widespread, perhaps then we may be confident that the Nation will always be safe and free.

I end as I began: The United States stood at the crossroads in 1787.  The people and their leaders were courageous and bold enough to step forward in the glorious light provided by their unique constitution.  The confidence of the citizenry was restored.  The economy blossomed in the new assurance that one’s labor was his own.  Order was restored.  The nation shook off  its torpid lethargy and became invigorated.  The national transformation was astonishing.  The nations of the earth were amazed, and stood in awe of the newfound strength and hope of this free land.  In 2010 the nation once again stands at a crossroads.

Today, the nation faces challenges almost identical to the challenges faced by the new nation 223 years ago.  A miracle is again needed.  That miracle is again The United States Constitution—and it must be applied as vigorously and purely as it was at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.  Virtually all of the challenges faced by the nation today can be traced to a divergence from the original intent put forth in the United States Constitution.

Honest, good, and wise statesmen of the caliber of the statesmen who founded this nation must be sought for.  The timeless wisdom that saved the nation at the end of the 18th century must be applied as energetically today as it was then.  Truths taught by the former statesmen must be brought forward, learned, understood, and embraced.  The results will be as they were in the beginning.  The nation will be invigorated and restored.

Yes, I know that the challenges seem almost insurmountable, but the inspiring words of the fiery patriot, Patrick Henry ring in our ears:


In 1847, the new Liberty Party sought to abolish the abominable practice of slavery.  In light of the monumental task which faced them, their motto was: “The duty is ours, the results are God’s.”  In light of the monumental task we face today of restoring the power of government to the scope and bounds defined within the United States Constitution, we must remember that even today, the duty is ours, the results are God’s.  But if we are to be worthy to receive His full approbation, we must be willing to do our part.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He loved His children enough to establish a free and prosperous land in which they could live and worship Him.  He continues to love His children today.

Just as God raised up some of His choicest spirits to establish this nation, I believe that, if we are faithful, He may again raise up faithful leaders and inspire us to return to His plan for freedom.

Let us pray and work for such a miracle. “We, the People” hold the fate of this great nation in our hands.


Thank you!


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To Preserve the Nation

Statesmen of the caliber of the American Founding Fathers must be raised up. The timeless wisdom that established the United States must again be vigorously applied. The foundational principles must be learned, understood, and embraced.

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